One time during my undergraduate years, my friends and I once argued about who usually had the most untidy rooms between ladies and guys. After a long one, we concluded that really unorganized guys had the dirtiest, near inhabitable rooms and you could easily tell what a guy's room might look like just from his appearance while reverse was the case with ladies.
Most ladies do care about how their rooms looks. Its almost factored by constant rivalry and competitive nature which the have but guys on the other hand are indifferent. Most guys begin to bother only when they have a steady means on decent income or are seeing a lady in that position.
Unlike guys, It was almost impossible to determine what a lady' bedroom would look like just by how she looks.
Men tend have an almost autonomous routine with design: white , blues or greys, hard wood, leather and littered gadgets hanging almost anywhere.
For ladies,you find more of pinks, purples, red and mostly soft accessory touches.
So how then do we make a guy' bedroom more interesting?
Here are the factors to consider:
Communicate your lifestyle:
If you have a very rigorous routine , such as working very late or taking night shifts, having a cozy, dimmed room will enable you have good sleep during the day.
Having black out curtains or blinds would help control light that you do not need .
Dont be selfish
If you are single, how long do you intend to live alone. Having a cold looked room with very uncomfortable features can be very disturbing for adaptation by someone else. Even if you are married ,the aesthetics in your bedroom should not be unilaterally decided . Make provisions for things you assume you do not need( you know what I mean) full length mirrors, fragrance diffusers,sockets for curling irons(yes, you heard!)
Invest in your sleep
I used to have a friend who slept on his duvet until he was able to afford for himself an orthopedic mattress. An orthopedic mattress can't be suitable for everyone but you can make findings about what mattress is most suitable for your body type. A good sleep can guarantee a lot of good things; a healthier you, better productivity at work etc.
Audio visuals
One of the greatest achievements in bedroom design for me is taking it to that point where it can be your stay- in place for a whole day without an iota of fatigue . You can achieve this buy 'planting' the best audio visuals money can buy. Smart tv( if you can afford it) , bang and olufsen equipments , gaming consolesetc.
Built in wall systems,media theatre and TVs that drop from the ceiling are all factors worth considering.
Follow function
A guy wants everything in his space to be functional; else considered unnecessary . Sockets in most corners, a nice recliner, an occassional chair, bedside drawers, diffuser bottles, lamp shades, microfiber pillows and duvets, bedside rug are all aesthetic pieces that still offer their own unique individual functionalities.
Display your stuff
Depending on how much space you have, you can display stuff you collect on the walls or floor; guitars, books, plagues etc. be careful with space management too so they don't appear as a cluster.
Have a great week ahead! Ciao!
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