finding your style with colours



As a designer,people expect you to always know what colours they should have in their interior spaces. I have been in confusing situations where the client expects you to work with certain colours just because they see it around or they think it looks good in certain interior spaces they have been to. More often than not,that doesnt end well. The client could at the end of the project be unsatisfied but may not be able to figure out why. Here's what happened: The personality of the client was an absent factor in the colour choosing process.

 Colours go a long way with projecting our personality. Since interior designing entails the ability to understand clients and translate their ideas,taste and personality into the entire makeover process,choosing the right colours to suit this is very important.In my home for instance,red is the primary theme with grey,white,black and silver as support accents.RED symbolizes dominance,passion,courage,Confidance and vitality. I could say this spells nothing short of my personality. If you love earthy things,Traditional art works as well as African furniture,then BROWN is the colour for you. It can work as a primary theme with ivory and terracotta as support accents. GREEN symbolizes nature,fertility and well being so if u love green plants or other works of nature,this colour might just work out for you. WHITE symbolizes purity and cleanliness so if you area neat freak,white might just be right for you . Luckily,white works with almost any colour so support accents won't be of any difficulty. Here are some other colours and their meanings. I'd leave you to translate that into your own personality. PINK :love,beauty,feminism ORANGE:vitality,endurance,vibrant,flambouyant,demanding attention GOLD: wealth, prosperity,wisdom YELLOW: wisdom,joy,happiness, intellectual energy,optimism,idealism BLUE:youth,spirituality,youth,peace PURPLE: royalty,magic,mystery INDIGO:intuition,meditation,deep contemplation BLACK: death,earth,stability ,gothic,depth,style,sophistication GREY:sorrow,security,maturity,conservative,dignity



  1. This image looks so beautiful and attractive. I really impress by this amazing quality and projecting our personality. You have done great work.


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